Few weeks ago, a close friend of mine and myself were discussing this issue. I remember Ug voiced his concern on the naive move to replicate the Jasmine Revolution. Of course it is a legitimate concern. The socio-economic realm in current Ethiopia is different. Socially, we have some diverging interests and un-settlled arrearages. Besides Meles has given us a huge homework. I can keep on listing and listing. However, despite the gloomy look, there is a bright side of the reality. Wo wo I gotta stop my rhetoric here and invite you to read an impressive analysis by a great Ethiopian scholar. Dr. Aklog's article is a nice piece for thought, for us!
Part I- http://ethiomedia.com/andnen/2744.html
Part II- http://www.aljazeera.net/mritems/streams/2011/7/19/1_1074931_1_51.pdf
Part I- http://ethiomedia.com/andnen/2744.html
Part II- http://www.aljazeera.net/mritems/streams/2011/7/19/1_1074931_1_51.pdf