Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Unconquered Nation, Crippled By Bureaucrats

The Unconquered Nation, Crippled By Bureaucrats

Mobs of the millennium and the Renaissance Dam « Ethiopia: A voice for the voiceless

I am more troubled by the acts of the accomplices who aided the dictators steal from their own people. Mind you, almost all the money is channeled to western banks who brag themselves as champions of democratic values. For me such reports serve no purpose other than adding insults to the misery of the oppressed people. It is such a shame that those who courted the bad guys got the courage to tell us how deep we were hurt. I would rather be impressed if they show a bit of audacity to take responsibility for their own contribution. Only then would their rhetoric for good governance and rule of law be more than platitudes.

Mobs of the millennium and the Renaissance Dam « Ethiopia: A voice for the voiceless

Friday, May 27, 2011

A day of hope

While Meles is getting ready for extravaganza to celebrate his 20th jubilee on the power, Ethiopians have a different plan for the day. We are getting ourselves to end his brutality. His predecessors ended up in the same way and he hasn’t yet learned the lesson. In Addis and other major cities everyone is compelled to attend the Ginbot 20 celebration/ cursed is that day, the day that introduced the thugs to the blessed land/.

Well I tend to guard myself from unwarranted naivety. I believe Ethiopians need to get more organized and come closer to face the great deceiver. Oppositions should employ a ruthless tactic. Most of all the spirit of the revolution should reach the farmer and the pastoralist. I believe the youth is the fountainhead of the movement but the farmer and the pastoralist community should sustain the belligerent role. In my opinion it is time to start, it might take longer but we need to start.

After all “… everything great that has ever happened to ... has begun with a single thought in someone's mind.


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Human rights violations along ethnic and racial lines

Ethiopia is claimed to be a nation with three thousand years of statehood and history. It survived relentless attacks and even the atrocious colonial plot. Unfortunately no one anticipated that the nation's worst enemy would come from inside. The deadliest assault against Ethiopia has been projected by its own rulers. Though it is not easy to compare rulers among the spectrum, it is not as such difficult to agree on the worst one.

Just check out the Human rights record as analyzed by a foreign scholar. In fact one shouldn’t be a genius to spot this atrocity but you will be surprised how deep and systematic the evil is.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

UN: Conflict Prevention--Warning Signs of Collective Violence in Ethiopia

This is a must read for anybody claiming a stake with that nation.I can't agree more.I hope to come with my reaction. For time being enjoy facing the naked truth.

Saturday, May 7, 2011


For all members living inside Ethiopia:
It is more than obvious that TPLF regime would block access to everything including water and electric power,let alone access to face book and other pro-democracy websites,when it feels threatened by the unity of the Ethiopian people .
Here is a very simple solution to access the Internet freely unless and otherwise all the servers in Ethiopia (owned by TPLF itself) are down.

1. Use ultrasurf, a very good and small size software that doesnt even need installation.Website http://www.ultrareach.com/download/u.zip ,it is safe and anonymous (your IP address will be as if you live in USA)

2.Use vidalia bundle from the TOR project ( a variety of versions suitable for any user). Website https://www.torproject.org/download/download.html.en

3.Use Your Freedom software (you need to create account and use the free version). Website http://www.your-freedom.net/index.php?id=downloads

The instructions (Usage procedures) are very simple and if you have any difficulties post your questions here before TPLF blocks all the connectivity.

In all of the above three ways NO ONE can prohibit you to use the INTERNET freely.
Every one pass the information to all your brothers and sisters in Ethiopia.Call if necessary. Information is Power!!!

Long live Ethiopia!!!
Down with TPLF!!!
Dignity and prosper for all Ethiopians!!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

The 10 Tools of Online Oppressors

Different worlds

These are Dorze hats from Southern Ethiopia.Dorzes are  famous for their cotton woven cloths and beehive huts.The hats are displayed on sticks  in the green field awaiting for buyers.One of them landed on my head a year ago.

Their US counterparts as displayed in Nola by the famous Souther hatter- Mayer the Hatter.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

An Ode to the tree man

ባማላኩ ጨክኖ
ስቅሎ ስቅሎብሎ እንዳላሰቀለ
አይ ሰው ወበከንቱ
ለመሰሉ ቢሆን
አውርደው፡ አውርደው ወጣ  ካንደበቱ፤፤

አጃኢብ ነው አጀብ የሰው ነገር
ላያወርድ ሲሰቅል ላይሰቅል ሲያወርድ
ፈጣሪው ሰቅሎ  ፍጡሩን ሲማለድ

ሊፈጸም ካልሆነ
ስቀለው አይሰቅል ውረድ አያወርድ፤፤
መጀመሪያ ነበረሚሰቅሉትን  መለየት
ወይ ደግሞ
አሳጥሮ መስቀል
ካልሆነ ካልሆነ
መስቀያውን መቁረጥ፤፤
    ኒዎርሊንስ-ሚያዝያ 2011 ..

How adversity pursues the wrong-doer!

Surely it is not a new revelation, the belief that those who take the sword will perish by the sword is as old as life itself. The conviction is deeply entrenched in almost all major front-line religious and moral philosophies. From Christianity to Islam form....
(More to come on this content....)